When the company name, CAKE.com, needs to be represented as text in headings or paragraphs, adhere to the following rule for consistent branding:
Write the company name in uppercase for “CAKE” followed by “.com” in lowercase.
Example: CAKE.com
This typographic treatment ensures a unified and recognizable brand identity when CAKE.com logo is not in use. Apply this rule consistently across all textual representations of the company name, maintaining the specified capitalization for both “CAKE” and “.com.” This guideline helps reinforce brand consistency and strengthens the visual identity of CAKE.com across various communication channels.
CAKE.com – when we refer to our company and our team.
To ensure consistency and clarity across all communication, make sure you use the correct terms for different aspects of CAKE.com.

CAKE.com Inc. – when we formally refer to our company as a specific legal entity

CAKE.com Suite – when we refer to the technical platform and to the marketing package of all our products together.

Software productivity suite / Productivity suite — when we need a more descriptive way to explain what’s our platform, and when its official name is not explanatory enough.
CAKE.com Bundle — when we refer to the specific pricing plan called CAKE.com Bundle that includes all our products.

CAKE.com Account — when we refer to the technical concept and feature where you control your account’s settings.

Suite, Bundle, and Account are capitalized when referring to the official proper name of the product or technical concept, and should always be used together with CAKE.com to create a compound word that has a specific meaning. But, when used as regular words, they are not capitalized and shouldn’t form compound words with CAKE.com, to avoid confusion.